
Chittaranjan College

Estd : 1967. Undergraduate college in Kolkata.
Affiliated to University of Calcutta
NAAC Accredited

  • 8A, Beniatola Lane,
    Kolkata-700009, West Bengal

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  • Library – Chittaranjan College



    Library Catalog

    The Library of Chittaranjan College was established with the inception of the college. The library has a vast collection of books which include old, rare books and valuable reference books. It is enriched with an excellent collection in the field of Commerce, Humanities, Literature etc.

    The Library remains open Monday to Saturday from 11.00 A.M. to 4.00 P.M.


    1) The library welcomes students who want to use it. All the students are expected to exercise self-discipline, respect and consideration for others while using the library. Students are also required to abide by the library rules.
    2) Library cards are issued on production of fee book and three copies of stamp size photograph.
    3) All categories of text books and reference books are also available from the Library both for honours and general course students.
    4) The Library remains open from 11.00 AM.-5.00 P.M. from Monday to Friday for students. On Saturday, the Library remains open only for official work.
    5) On payment of the Library fee of Rs. 100 each student is provided with a Borrower’s Card against which two books will be issued & reference books are also available from the Library.
    6) Student will be held responsible for the books they borrow and will be required to replace damaged and lost books.
    7) Students must produce a clearance Certificate from the Librarian before they allowed to deposit fees for University Examination
    8) There are newspaper and periodicals in the reading room for students for reference work as well as for preparation for different competitive examinations.
    9) Rare and Reference books are not issued
    10) Students are expected to maintain discipline and silence in the Library and Reading Room
    11) Use of mobile phones is prohibited within the library.
    12) During summer recess, the library remains open Monday to Friday from 1.00 P.M. to 5. P.M.

    The library has got a huge collection of varieties of books of around 13,000, which is growing every year. Students and Staff Members can read the leading newspapers (Bengali/ English/ Hindi), Magazines and e-Journals also in the library



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    Library room area is 441 square ft and adjacent reading room area is 268 sq ft. There are about 12800 books, 2 magazines and 3 newspapers issued in 3 different languages- Anandabazar Patrika(Bangla), Sonmarg(Hindi), Statesman(English) available. The library has an Open Access System. DDCs scheme is adopted for classification 19th Ed. Individual User ID/PASSWORD are provided to users to access e-resources through INFLIBNET corsortia. Percentage per day usage by teachers and students tally with 2%(Teachers) and 23%(Students). This percentage is calculated using data from the Teachers and Student Library Log Books

    Library Infrastructure